Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Download MongoDB backup files (Encrypted) from S3

After spending a few hours, I have written a small script where you can download MongoDB backup files from S3. The specialty of this script is, this can download backup files which are encrypted by using key value ( Encrypted key)

 # DO NOT modify the encryption key unless if they used different key for encryption
 key="<key value>"
 # s3 path for MongoDB backups. You can find it from MongoDB backup logs ( You may not be able to find full s3 path from backup config file as backup file creates additional backup folder.
 s3path="< S3 path >"
 # Backup download location

 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo " List of backup files store in $s3path "
 echo ""
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo -e "   Date  |   Time  |   Size  | \tName of the file"
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 aws s3 ls $s3path
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo " What is the database file name that you need to download ? < Please type or copy paste full name of the backup file here > "
 read filename
 if [ -z $filename ]
   echo " ERROR:: No file name has entered !!! ABORTED"
   exit 1

 echo ""
 echo " $s3path$filename will be downloading to $backupLocation "
 aws s3 cp $s3path$filename $backupLocation
 echo ""
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo " Decrypting the file ..... "
 openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in $backupLocation/$filename -out $backupLocation/${filename::-4} -k $key
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 ls -al $backupLocation/
 echo ""
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo ""
 echo " Where do you want to extract the backup files ? Default location is /data/backups/tmp"
 read restoreLocation
 if [ -z $restoreLocation ] 

 echo ""
 echo " Extracting db files to $restoreLocation "
 tar -xvf $backupLocation/${filename::-4} -C $restoreLocation

 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo " list of files and directories in $restoreLocation "
 ls -al $restoreLocation/
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 echo " Remove downloaded file : $backupLocation/$filename"
 echo " ---------------------------------------------------------"
 rm -f $backupLocation/$filename
  echo ""
 echo " #########################################################"
 echo " # You have successfully downloaded backup files. Please #"
 echo " #  restore your files using mongorestore utility        #"
 echo " #########################################################"       

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