Wednesday, May 9, 2018

MongoDB Cloud Manager vs. Ops Manager

  • Enterprise Advanced comes with both Ops Manager and Cloud Manager so it is up to you which one you would like to use 
  • Cloud Manager is managed software-as-a-service where you only have to install relevant agents (monitoring, automation, or backup) in your infrastructure. Ops Manager is on-premise software that is part of an Enterprise subscription: you have to install and manage all services on your own infrastructure.
  • They are similar in terms of main feature areas (monitoring, automation, backup) and user interface but not identical. Since Cloud Manager is a managed service it is updated more regularly than Ops Manager releases and currently has some additional features such as integration with cloud provisioning instances via providers like AWS or Azure.
  • Please note that the agent versions also differ between Cloud and Ops Manager, so you should ensure you are running the correct agents and referring to the relevant documentation.